کد خبر:8152

Kids, the main addressees of proselytizers and Baha’ism proselytizing

Not long ago, it was reported about the Baha’ism attempt in expanding the influence of the cult by creating untraceable nursery schools without having permit in Iran. Of course, after the main elements involving this illegal measure were arrested, the hostile media were shouting to support this deviant cult in the media. Of course, proselytizing […]

Not long ago, it was reported about the Baha’ism attempt in expanding the influence of the cult by creating untraceable nursery schools without having permit in Iran. Of course, after the main elements involving this illegal measure were arrested, the hostile media were shouting to support this deviant cult in the media.

Of course, proselytizing is the main teaching of the Baha’is which possesses a high position among them. According to the Baha’i teachings, men and women must try hard to educate the proselytizing techniques.

In order to influence on people, the Baha’i proselytizers have been appointed by their Baha’i leaders to proselytize people who are really ready to be learned in order to react better: “Don’t speak when you don’t find a person ready to listen and don’t endow the wisdom seed when you don’t observe clean land.[1]

The Baha’i proselytizers are advised for the addressee to start his/her speech in order to debate better. They are advised for questions and answers to be avoided: “It is not necessary but the proving reasons… a person who asks for something or asks a question, he/she will make a mistake.[2]

What Mirza Hussein Ali and his offspring Abdul Baha have taught the Baha’is is that they must show the proselytizing path by their deceptive faces to recruit addressees not what they really are. Consequently, those who are in charge are advised to show a devoutly faces: “A person who will to proselytize must make the appearance free from the things in the world and interior free from mentioning them[3].”

In order to deceive people and followers of various cults, the proselytizers must hide their beliefs and step with their paths: “He/she must have social intercourses with each cult and must pretend concordance with them in order to influence on people.[4]



[۱] Muhammad Ali Feizi, proselytizing guidance epistle, Bija: Bina, 128 Badi’a, p. 73.

[۲] Ibid, p. 80.

[۳] Ibid, p. 69.

[۴] Ibid, p. 87.

Bahaism in Iran
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