کد خبر:8273
Padideh Sabeti-2

Mrs. Padideh Sabeti, the project of pretending to be oppressed is not influential anymore

Padideh Sabeti claimed for the current detentions of the members of Baha’ism organization to be done to frighten the Baha’is and to perk them as guilty for the problems of the country! While the Baha’ism organization which is the forerunner of sanction and the current conditions has sent its followers to break the law and […]

Padideh Sabeti claimed for the current detentions of the members of Baha’ism organization to be done to frighten the Baha’is and to perk them as guilty for the problems of the country! While the Baha’ism organization which is the forerunner of sanction and the current conditions has sent its followers to break the law and confront against the government!

The Baha’ism organization is going to change the conditions of the lost game started by detentions of its organizational cores in Iran through pretending to be oppressed and blackmail against the Iranian government and society!

Padideh Sabeti, the representative of the Baha’ism organization in London reacted arresting several Baha’i heads in Iran called Fariba Kamal Abadi, Mahvash Sabet, and Mr. Afif Naeemi dated Mordad, 10, 1401 and said interviewing with International Saudi network: “Confronting against the Baha’is has been consistently existent, but it has become severe during Mr. Raeesi’s presidential period of time.”

Padideh Sabeti also claimed for two aims achieved by the Islamic Republic of Iran during recent detentions of the central cores of the illegal organization of Baha’ism: “۱) Weakening and frightening the Baha’i to leave the country, 2) Making the Baha’is as scapegoats for the challenges of the system of the government[1].”

The Answer to this media and Baha’ism organization figure:

  1. During the recent detentions, the Islamic Republic of Iran showed that it is determined in confronting against breaking the law and influence and the media and deceptive games aren’t effective in the Islamic Iran’s law. As a matter of fact, the Baha’ism organization which is pleasant with the media and international supports must know that its measures have cost for it.”
  2. It is time for the Baha’is of Iran not to play against their hometown and the team of the enemies of Iran and of course in the universal house of justice court directed by the kid killer regime of Zionism which is not legitimate even stated by the Baha’i texts.[2] The Universal House of Justice which urges on the aggressive and extensive proselytizing in Iran is not even bond with its Baha’ism leaders who have considered the fulfillment of the Baha’ism commandments as not being against the governmental rules[3] and have assumed obeying the government as of the religious duties.[4]
  3. As the leadership foundation of Baha’ism predicted, the confrontations unwillingly caused the members of the Baha’ism organization to be frightened in Iran and this reaction of the Baha’ism organization can be considered as a positive sign for such confrontations. Of course; the Baha’ism organization is afraid of the fact that confronting against the members of organization and it followers causes the followers of the cult to turn against this cult, so it excites the Baha’is! The Baha’ism organization is trying to gain media and international supports and to create hate dialogue against the Islamic Republic of Iran to decrease the effect of these strikes!


[۱] An interview of Padideh Sabeti with Saudi international, dated 1401/05/10.

[۲] The Blessed writings of the Excellency guardian of God’s faith addressing the eastern disciples, Germany: the assembly of publishing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 1992 A.D., p. 302.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdas (the introduction of the book), the electronic copy, p. 14.

[۴] Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, pp. 463-464.

Bahaism in Iran
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