کد خبر:8305

The destruction of illegal constructions of Roshankouh isn’t related to a special cult or tendency

During the recent days, the fulfillment of the verdict of destructing the illegal constructions in one of the northern regions of the country has reflected in foreign media too much. All of these media have related this measure to believing in Baha’ism by the owners of these places. The greatest robber of the Iranian properties, […]

During the recent days, the fulfillment of the verdict of destructing the illegal constructions in one of the northern regions of the country has reflected in foreign media too much. All of these media have related this measure to believing in Baha’ism by the owners of these places. The greatest robber of the Iranian properties, Reza Pahlavi entered into scene and sympathized with the followers of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iran. The following is the answer by the chairman of Mazandaran court:

The clergyman Akbari:

Eight cases of destructing illegal constructions have been fulfilled in the national lands of Roshankouh.

The judicial commandments have been issued in this regard aren’t related to a cult or special tendency. Contrary to some negative advertisement of the media which considered implementing the commandments of Kiasar region as related to special cult and tendencies of the people of the region, the fulfillment of definite commandments are being conducted based on the law.

The law execution and supporting the public rights are the priorities of the judicial system.


Were the Baha’i owners present among these destructions since the beginning of 13th government when the constructions of the coastal borders of the north of the country and some parts of the coastal strip of the south of country were destructed?


The Baha’ism organization should answer: How many percent of the owner were of the followers of this cult? Being Muslim, Christian, Zoroastrian or Baha’i or other beliefs don’t play any role in the current laws of the country.

The Excellency Reza Pahlavi must first answer about the robbed properties of the Iranian people, then being a father for the followers of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.

Bahaism in Iran
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