کد خبر:8325

The Baha’ism organization is afraid of being revealed

The Baha’ism organization published a gossip: “The government’s attempt for forged confession out of the Baha’i proselytizers” and considered its addressees as naive. It is trying to pretend to be oppressed and to proceed the policy of hate dialogue against the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is also trying to provide facilities to perk the […]

The Baha’ism organization published a gossip: “The government’s attempt for forged confession out of the Baha’i proselytizers” and considered its addressees as naive. It is trying to pretend to be oppressed and to proceed the policy of hate dialogue against the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is also trying to provide facilities to perk the confession of each Baha’ism organizational member during the recent detentions as forged and compulsory! Hannan Hashemi is one of these cases.

According to Baha’ism organization media, Hannan Hashemi who is one of the members of Baha’ism illegal organization was arrested in Shiraz city by the authorities of the intelligent service dated Tir, 28, 1401. However, since the Baha’ism organization is afraid of the young and unexperienced proselytizer to confess in inquiries and to reveal the illegal activities of Baha’ism, it has written stories before the event.

In its chitchats, the media of the Baha’ism organization wrote: “Hannan Hashemi was investigated by the security forces severely during the last 2 days and the security forces asked for compulsory confession this Baha’i citizen. According to an aware source Hannan Hashemi has called her family and spoke two times during this period of time. During her last conversations, she said about sever investigations by the security forces. According to this aware source Hannan has been severely put into pressure and persecution to confess against herself.

This aware source added the condition for its freedom is her cooperation in the field of forged confessions. Alhan Hashemi is Hannan Hashemi’s sister who is just 18 of age. She has been freed several days ago by heavy mortgage temporarily[1].”

The Answer

 If according to you the intelligent service were going to make a film out of this member of Baha’ism organization, it wouldn’t be logical for her to have communications with outside before providing the forged confession in order for the plan to be snitched before practice! Why must the investigator call Hannan’s family and reveal the security forces’ aim for forged confession with unreal affairs?! Does the Baha’ism organization consider the security foundations of Iran too naive or it is trying to deceive its addressees using baseless lies?!

What do you mean by the aware source?! Who is that aware source which is informed of the secrets and aims of the intelligent service ministry?!

Why has Alhan Hashemi gotten free by heavy mortgage but not Hannan[2]?! This is a surprising vagueness.


[۱] Narrated by the Baha’ism organization media.

[۲] For more studies refer to the article: The sufferings and agonies of a lady who turned to Islam from Baha’ism.

Bahaism in Iran
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