کد خبر:8506

Why did the Excellency Imam Khomeini (P.H.) state that Mosaddeq wasn’t Muslim?

Dr. Muhammad Mosaddeq was supporting Reza Khan’s policies while Reza Khan unveiling women to make them irreligious. Although Mosaddeq owed his success to marty Nawwab Safawi, but when he gained power, he behaved with him and Fadaeeyan-e-Islam in the worst manner. Due to Islam and Iran expediencies, Ayatollah Kashani supported Mosaddeq very much, but Mosaddeq […]

Dr. Muhammad Mosaddeq was supporting Reza Khan’s policies while Reza Khan unveiling women to make them irreligious. Although Mosaddeq owed his success to marty Nawwab Safawi, but when he gained power, he behaved with him and Fadaeeyan-e-Islam in the worst manner. Due to Islam and Iran expediencies, Ayatollah Kashani supported Mosaddeq very much, but Mosaddeq and his movements stood against Ayatollah Kashani severely.

Imam Khomeini (P.H.) stated about Mosaddeq: “At first when late Ayatollah Kashani observed that they were committing a mirror offence, he spoke with them. They brought a dog wearing glasses and called it Ayatollah. It was happened in Mosaddeq’s period of time. People are proud of him while he was not Muslim. At that day, I was on one of the scholar’s house in Tehran city when I heard the news of the dog. I stated to the scholar: it isn’t opposition with a person. He would be slapped. After a while he was slapped. If he continued, he would slap Islam.” (Sahifeh Nour, Vol. 15, p. 15: 1360/03/25).


Issues such as being careless about various evidence of commandments, compulsory unveiling, robbing a pillow full of paper money out of Mozaffaruddin Shah’s head and etc. and also kissing 20-year-old Sorayya’s hand are of the most famous photos of Mosaddeq.

The following memoir has been narrated by late Hujjatul Islam Falsafi to indicate that Mosaddeq wasn’t Muslim according to Imam Khomeini (P.H.):

“After Mosaddeq became the prime minister, I visited him twice making an appointment. First, several scholars and I went to his house located at Kakh St. He way lying on bed under a blanket. We had sat on chairs. Mosaddeq said surprisingly: “Do you go to mosque to pray everyday? “As if he wasn’t aware of the quality of group prayer in country mosques!

Second, the Baha’is had created problems in the city. Ordered by Ayatollah Broujerdi, I visited lying on bed under a blanket. I conveyed Ayatollah Broujerdi’s message. I said: “You are the chairman of the Islamic government and the Baha’is are active in the cities and have created many problems for Muslim people. So, people send letters for Ayatollah Broujerdi to complain them. Ayatollah Broujerdi considered it necessary for you to take measures in this regard.

 After finishing my statements, Dr. Mosaddeq laughed with a loud voice humorously and said: “Mr. Falsafi; to me, there isn’t any difference between a Muslim and a Baha’i. They are from the same nation and are Iranian!” the answer was pretty surprising for me. So, I remained silent and when I conveyed his message to Ayatollah Broujerdi, he listened to me astonishingly.” (The memoirs and campaigns of Hujjatul Islam Falsafi, printed by the center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution, pp. 127-129).

Also, when Dr. Mosaddeq was in America, the representatives of the national assemblies of the Baha’is of America visited him and asked him for help free innocent Baha’is. A report of the meeting has been provided in the book “Mosaddeq and the Baha’is by Fereshteh Teyfouri on pages 35-39. Fereshteh Teyfouri writes: “According to the reports of the America Baha’is, the formal meeting of the Iranian prime minister, Dr. Muhammad Mosaddeq was has been done in a really friendly atmosphere.”

Bahaism in Iran
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