کد خبر:8789

The bond between Baha’ism and Masonry

By: Sajjad Jamshidi One of the movements to which Baha’ism has been related and in which Baha’ism is present is masonry movement. Masonry is a pretty secret organization and is a disciplined universal one.   Masonry organization changed into ta dreadful, complicated and really influential organization as created in Britain, France, America and Germany in […]

By: Sajjad Jamshidi

One of the movements to which Baha’ism has been related and in which Baha’ism is present is masonry movement. Masonry is a pretty secret organization and is a disciplined universal one.


Masonry organization changed into ta dreadful, complicated and really influential organization as created in Britain, France, America and Germany in 18th century. It proceeds willing and interests of various layers of capitalists’ castes of the new era.

This secret organization is attracting elites and statements of various countries and nurturing them intellectually by forming various layers and using them in social and governmental pillars to help the Colonialism to achieve its aims.

Masonry has close bonds with Zionism and; in fact, it is the organizational arm for the Jewish universal capitalism.

The Baha’ism teachings is in conformity with masonry ones including the separation between religion and policy, laxity and indulgence, establishment of the universal unique government and the conformity between religion and wisdom.

The familiarity and bond between the Baha’is and masonry:

The familiarity of the Baha’is with the thoughts and ambulation of the members of the cultural assembly of Manekji Hatoria (the head of British intelligent service in India and Iran and the real founder of Masonry organization in Iran) such as prince Jalaluddin Mirza, Akhondzadeh, Mirza Melkom Khan, Mirza Hussein Sepahsalar and etc. created changes in their intellectual method (Baha’is) and made them familiar with Masonry and liberal thoughts.

Then; by compiling the new history book which was the revised form of the old history of the Babis, some harsh words against Qajar king and several agents of the government were omitted or adjusted and instead they strengthened their attacks against clergymen along with people such as Akhondov. They distorted new epistles such as Sayyah article using the method of Mirza Melkom Khan and Akhondzadeh.

According to historical researches, Manekji Hatria has had close relationship with Babi heads such as Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) between the years 1854-1890 A.D.

Also; according to the report by Roknodduleh to Amin-Al-Soltan in 1308 A.H., Melkom Khan visited Baha and negotiated in Acre.

Later on, Abbas Effendi acknowledge Melkom Khan.

The planned trip to America and Europe during the years 1911-1913 by Abbas Effendi which was accompanied by numerous propaganda by the most influential political press assemblies of the west is a clear sign for the deep bond and cooperation between the Baha’i cult heads and various centers of Masonry in Europe and America which is mentioned by this cult as a turning point in the cult history.

During the trip, it was attempted for him to be introduced as the symbol of the emergence of a new humane religion and masonry ideal.

Investigating this movement and the assemblies at which Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha) was present proves that the main director of this play was one of the supreme western Masonry assemblies called the universal theosophical association. He participated in various masonry assemblies particularly in America and gave a speech.

The Baha’is in masonry organization:

Basically, the Baha’is are existent among the Iranian masonry elites such as Ali Qoli Nabil-al-Doleh, Zabihullal Qorban, Amir Abbas Hoveyda, and Pari Abaselati.

The following people played a key role in terroristic activities during the Constitutionalism periods planned by the secret assemblies: chief Mohyee, Ehsanullah Khan Doustdar, Asadullah Khan Abul Fath Zadeh, Ibrahim Kahn Monshi Zadeh and Muhammad Nazar Kahn Meshkatul Mamalek. Most of them were Babis and Baha’is. One of the main factors of the deviation of the Constitutionalism was the activities and measures of such people planned for the Colonialism aims to be achieved.

During Pahlavi’s periods of time, the Baha’is along with mason and Zonistic elements played key roles conducting views and the Colonial policies. Many close friends of Pahlavi Shah and most attendants of sensitive and key posts were Baha’is.

One of the members of the lodge which its main role was to confront against the anti-Colonial movement of oil and was responsible to spy for Britain was a Baha’i called Dr. Zabihullah Qorban.

He was the den of medical faculty of Shiraz university and the founder of another lodge called Hafiz.

In 1341 S.H., the number of American masons was too many that the local American lodge decided to create another lodge in Iran whose responsibility was taken over by Ali Qoli Kahn Nabil Al-Douleh.

Ali Qoli Kahn Nabil Al-Douleh

Pahlavi regime, an opportunity for masonry Baha’is:

During 37-year kingdom of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi the masonry Baha’i assemblies and agents were active across the country.

Most people who were elected as the prime minister during this period of time were from the masters and high-ranking members of masonry lodges or from masonry or Jewish agents.

For example, Amir Abbas Hoveyda who was of the known prime ministers of Pahlavi kingdom and of the descendants of the Jewish Mirza Ya’qoub and of the known Baha’is of Iran entered into the web of politicians willing to Britain and he was of the activists and high-ranking members of the Iranian masonry. During his 13-year prime ministry (since Bahman 1343 S.H., to Mordad 1356 S.H.), he served the Zionists and Colonialism to achieve their ominous aims.

Amir Abbas Hoveyda

Bahaism in Iran
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