کد خبر:8970

Women don’t possess any position in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Mahshid Ziaee, the ex-Baha’i said: There are many slogans in the Baha’ism cult but they aren’t acted. Contrary to the slogans, people have to act the rules of the Baha’ism organization. Baha’ism looks at women as means. She continued to say that the equality of rights of men and women is just a slogan and […]

Mahshid Ziaee, the ex-Baha’i said: There are many slogans in the Baha’ism cult but they aren’t acted. Contrary to the slogans, people have to act the rules of the Baha’ism organization. Baha’ism looks at women as means. She continued to say that the equality of rights of men and women is just a slogan and women are misused.

Ziaee stated: In Baha’ism cult, girls are educated as means of proselytizing. Wherever they want, they send them for proselytizing. There isn’t any intimacy in the Baha’i family. Because their aim is to recruit and make people Baha’i.

She said: If a person makes an error out of the law or if he/she turns against the cult, she will be excommunicated spiritually and she will not be allowed to have relationships with other members of the family.


She added: There isn’t any equality in Baha’ism between men and women. Men must visit as pilgrims in two places which is called Hajj, but they say they have ordered women to be free from it.

She said: Just the elder son of the family can inherit but the Baha’i girl doesn’t inherit. This is another example of inequality between men and women in Baha’ism.

Bahaism in Iran
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