کد خبر:9746

Ahmad tablet, Baha’s false claim- part 2

Ahmad Tablet who is considered by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism as his masterpiece and has appointed the reward of one hundred martyrs for reading it is full of errors which are assumed as miracles! Explanation: Ahmad Tablet is one of Bahaullah’s works which has been written when he resided in Adreneh. It is not […]

Ahmad Tablet who is considered by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism as his masterpiece and has appointed the reward of one hundred martyrs for reading it is full of errors which are assumed as miracles!

Explanation: Ahmad Tablet is one of Bahaullah’s works which has been written when he resided in Adreneh. It is not clear when it has been written, but it is estimated that it has been written nearly 1865 A.D. The addressee of this tablet is one of the Baha’is of Yazd city called Ahmad. The Baha’is often read this tablet when they are in hardship to confront against the problems. In one of the letters written by Shoqi Effendi, it is written that Baha has given this tablet a special power.

Miracle is a strange and extraordinary action which can’t be done by other people and it is the unique way to distinguish the real prophets out of the false claimants. Consequently, the divine prophet offered miracles based on the expediencies of their periods of time, people’s requests and ultimatum. Nevertheless, the Babi and Baha’i prophethood claimants were unable to bring miracle(s), so they were rejecting miracles and doing them by the prophets.

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has said:

قُل یا قوم إن تَکفروا بِهذه الآیات فبأیّ حجّة ” آمنتم باللهِ مِن قبل”[۱]

“Tell, O’ nation, how did you believe in God in the past if you don’t believe in these verses?”

So, even the Baha’i leaders have confessed the necessity for offering miracles for proving the legitimacy of the prophets; but they consider it to be restricted to divine verses and inspiration. Thus, the Baha’i leaders’ text must be necessarily miraculous, but Baha’s books are full of errors literally and in meaning.

Ahmad Kasrawi writes in this regard: “Another great objection is Bab and Baha’s Arabic telling… Bab and Baha’s didn’t know Arabic well and they have stated erroneous sentences. Baba’s writings are erroneous and they are sometimes unintelligible. However; according to some, some disciples of Baha were correcting is writings. Anyway, there are many errors in them. Additionally, his statements are slangs…[۲]

[۱] Hussein Ali Nouri, the prayers of the Excellency Beloved, the electronic copy, p. 195.

[۲] Ahmad Kasrawi, Baha’ism, Tehran: Khandaniha publishing house, Bita, pp. 45,55 and 58

Bahaism in Iran
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