کد خبر:9839

Marriage payment and the equality between man and woman in Baha’ism

The main marriage payment verdict in Baha’ism is as follows: “لا يُحَقِّقُ الصِّهار الّا بالأمهار قد قُدِّر للمدن تسعة‌عشر مثقالاً من الذّهب الأبريز و للقری من الفضّة و من اراد الزّيادة حرّم عليه ان يتجاوز عن خمسة و تسعين مثقالاً کذلک کان الأمر بالعزّ مسطوراً” (Bahaullah, the Aqdas, paragraph 66; Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of […]

The main marriage payment verdict in Baha’ism is as follows:

“لا يُحَقِّقُ الصِّهار الّا بالأمهار قد قُدِّر للمدن تسعة‌عشر مثقالاً من الذّهب الأبريز و للقری من الفضّة و من اراد الزّيادة حرّم عليه ان يتجاوز عن خمسة و تسعين مثقالاً کذلک کان الأمر بالعزّ مسطوراً”

(Bahaullah, the Aqdas, paragraph 66; Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 168).

“The state of being bridegroom will be fulfilled with the marriage payment, surely, the marriage payment will be 19 methqal of pure gold for cities and silver for villagers. More than this amount is illegitimate. Such honored order has been written.”


Concerning this commandment and answering to the question of the equality between men and women, the Baha’is say:

“However; concerning the above mentioned question, the urban and rural daughters have been compared, not men and women; consequently, this issue isn’t concerned with the equality of men and women and posing such question is irrelevant.

The Answer:

  • Do the wives of African male villagers receive the some marriage payment (19 methqals of silver) as the American ones?
  • What about those villagers who are wealthier than the unban ones?
  • Why can’t person who is wealthy pay more?
  • Why can’t the families appoint the amount of marriage payment?

The equality between men and women in Baha’ism:

Abdul Baha says: “The highest pen has removed the difference between men and women and has bestowed the same mercy on all.” (Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Vol.8, p.2). He has also said about the equality between men and women: “The tenth teaching of the Excellency Bahaullah is the oneness of men and women that both are the same in the presence of God. All are human beings and are from Adam generation.” (Abdul Baha, the Sermons, Vol. 2, p. 149-150). It can be observed that the issue is beyond the rights and the complete equality has been stressed. (Esslement, Bahaullah and the new era, p. 121, in identifying the Baha’i creed, p. 121).

Contradiction in the claiming of the equality between men and women:

The main question is that: Why does man pay marriage payment, but woman receives it? There isn’t any equality. According to Baha’i principles, why doesn’t woman pay the marriage payment to man?

The principle of the equality between men and women has been violated! This one example is enough to be proven that the equality of men and women’s rights is impossible and contrary to human beings’ nature and personage.

Bahaism in Iran
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