کد خبر:9872

The explanation of a doubt: Is everybody who is a Baha’i must be killed or considered as apostate intrinsically?

Contrary to the claiming by the Baha’ism organization, nobody is being killed in Iran due to being a Baha’i, but Mr. Qara’ti speech which has been attributed is the intrinsic apostate and possesses it hard and special conditions. Meanwhile why does Baha’ism criticize Islam while it issues killings its opponents verdict or even worse than […]

Contrary to the claiming by the Baha’ism organization, nobody is being killed in Iran due to being a Baha’i, but Mr. Qara’ti speech which has been attributed is the intrinsic apostate and possesses it hard and special conditions. Meanwhile why does Baha’ism criticize Islam while it issues killings its opponents verdict or even worse than death for ex-Baha’is?!

One of the institutions related to the Baha’ism organization issued a post in the cyberspace about a part of Mr. Qara’ti speech who says: A person who openly says I am a Baha’i must be killed.[1]

However, what is the origin of the adventure? Must all Baha’is be killed? Or a person who says I am a Baha’i being killed?

The Answer:

No, and there isn’t any document for it! The best reason for the possibility of something is its occount. Has anybody been executed due to being a Baha’i?! definitely no. the Baha’is have to express their beliefs obliged by the Baha’ism organization and with the excuse of the prohibition of hiding beliefs in Baha’ism.[2] On the contrary; according to statistics of the Baha’ism organization, there are 300,000 Baha’i living in Iran possessing good social and economic conditions.[3]

Probably Mr. Qara’ti has discussed about the open sin and apostasy has been the example. That is, if a Muslim turns against Islam, he/she doesn’t announce his/her false belief. If he/she is made understand his/her mistake but he/she announces his/her false thought in obstinate manner, he/she will be apostate because it will be considered as a curious method to confront against Islam and to change Muslim’s beliefs.

Otherwise, logical dialogues to achieve distinct and clear results concerning the topic of religion and belief have been coincident with the spirit of Islam:

“وَلَا تُجَادِلُوا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ” (عنکبوت/۴۶)

“And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better [than mere disputation], unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, “We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we how [in Islam].” (Al-Ankabut/46)

Also, if a person doubted his/her religion due to confrontation with doubts and technically becomes apostate in his/her interior, he/she won’t be punished, but if he/she turns to Islam again, his/her nice deeds done before his/her apostasy won’t be destroyed.[4]

When Baha’ism is ordering for boycotting the ex-Baha’is[5] and killing those who oppose and harass them why does it criticize Islam and Islamic commandments?! Can the adventure of Abarqou and the Baha’is guidance by Shoqi towards a tragic massacre of the Baha’i opponents be forgotten[6]?! Can brutal boycotting of ex-Baha’is by the Baha’ism organization and can the punishment which is worse than death for them be hidden[7]?!

[۱] Narrated by the media supporting the Baha’ism organization

[۲] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Tehran: The national institute of the faith press, 3rd edition, 128 Badi’a, p. 459.

[۳] For more studies refer to the article: “Baha’ism after scandal”

[۴] Muhammad Ibn Al-Hassan Horr Ameli, Wasaellushi’a, Qom: AlulBeit institute, 1409 A.H., Vol. 16, pp. 104-105.

[۵] Refer to Shoqi effendi, the Blessed Writings, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 125 Badi’a, Vol. 4, pp. 94-95.

[۶] For more studies refer to the article: what did the Baha’i killer do I Iran?

[۷] For more studies refer to the article: the punishment worse than death waiting for the ex-Baha’is!

Bahaism in Iran
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