کد خبر:9973

Supporting the deviant cult of Baha’ism which is basically considering all beliefs and values of Islam as abolished!!!

During the current days, the Excellency Abdul Hamid has supported the deviant cult of Baha’ism several time in the sermons of the Friday prayer. He has supported the Baha’is and Baha’ism as the Iranian citizens. It seems he hasn’t studied about this cult and he doesn’t know the religion of Islam is considered as abolished […]

During the current days, the Excellency Abdul Hamid has supported the deviant cult of Baha’ism several time in the sermons of the Friday prayer. He has supported the Baha’is and Baha’ism as the Iranian citizens. It seems he hasn’t studied about this cult and he doesn’t know the religion of Islam is considered as abolished and Baha’ism has been substituted according to Baha’is. It seems he hasn’t studied the Sunni scholars’ view concerning the deviant cult of Baha’ism. The following are some of the Sunni scholars and scientists’ views concerning the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Mr. Taha Al-Mowlavi:

Mr. Taha Al-Mowlavi, the Muslim historian

“While the Muslim scholars cursed Baha’ism, the Judaism preached it, why? Because Baha’ism attacks Islam and claims for the periods of Islam to be finished. Baha’ism is trying to plant the seed of its false religion which is the combination of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and idolater.”

Al-Anam periodical, Vol. 63.

Professor Bent-Al-Shati

“The Zionism served Abdul Baha openly with all of its troops and bestowed the Jewish lands to Abdul Baha based on its benefits in order to strengthen the Baha’is financial power. Also, it made a group of the followers of this creed to reside in the Islamic east, Palestine where Abbas Effendi confronted the most Islamic resistance in order to proselytize for the deviant cult of Baha’ism and expand the dimension of the influence and government of this creed. During Abdul Baha’s periods of time, the Zionism openly announced its malignant plan of “from the Nile to the Euphrates” and forced the Baha’is to provide the opportunities for the Jewish people to enter into the promised earth as the confederate of the Judaism. When Abdul Baha wrote and an article called “Siratul Molouk” criticizing the Ottoman Ring for the separation of Muslim and Jewish rights. The center of the Baha’is in Al-Kernel mount became a refuge for the International Zionism leaders and their agents. After the foundation of Israel the key appointments in Israel foundations were in this “castle”.

Khalid Muhammad Khalid

The prominent Islamic thinker

“According to my studies about Baha’ism I figured out the hideous figure of this creed. Late Imam Sheikh Muhammad Al-Khezr Hussein had an extensive knowledge of this cult. He has given an example: This cult was boycotted by Islam, but its followers are claiming for their struggles to be for the prophetic mission of the prophet. They are rejecting the prophets’ miracles with the excuse of being illogical. They have rejected resurrection day, paradise, hell and Kaaba pilgrimage. They are even determined to destroy Kaaba. This group is apostate. Baha’ism is the innovation of a thought following several aims. So, it is a deceptive creed.”

Dr. Muhammad Nasir

The Islamic author has said on the issue of supporting Baha’ism cult by Imperialism and Zionism: “The Baha’is say the reason for the expansion of Baha’s invitation is his word influences which were free from each kind of political hidden relationship and have been done based on the divine will. Such a logic; in fact, is a reason for the Baha’is selfishness and is a clear mistake. In all fields the Baha’is were withdrew of their claims except for being supported by Imperialism and Zionism to preserve their interests.” (Facts about Babism and Baha’ism, p. 59).

Abdul Aziz Nashi

Abdul Aziz Nashi is the scientific and cultural character of the Islamic guidance of Egypt and Seyyed Rashid Reza’s pupil. He says: “According to me it is the scientists, thinkers, orators and all those who are influential; male or female and also those who can read and write’s duty to make all Muslims aware and to prevent them from the deception danger of Baha’is and not to let Muslims to enter into the Baha’is gathering and not to let them read the Baha’is books because the Baha’is are dangerous for eradicating Islam “(Fact about Babism and Baha’ism, p. 24).

Muhammad Rashid Reza

The Islamic thinker of Egypt and the editor-in-chief of Manarul Islam periodical

“Baha’ism was formed based on Babism whose bases are false. Consequently, how is it possible to expect Muslim to accept Babism and Baha’ism while it attributes the divine specification to human beings like Christianity.” He adduces Seyyed Jamaluddin Asad Abadi’s comment and says: “Baha’ism is one of the dangerous religions possessing anti-Islamic philosophy. It is a cult into which Judaism plays a key role in 1842 A.D., the Babis announced their separation from Islam and Started fighting against Islam and the Arabic language “The weekly periodical” Manarul Islam, 343.7, /199).

Dr. Sheikh Abdul Mo’men Al-Nahr

“We know that the most Baha’is had been Muslims, but they exited Islam later on and founded a new creed in order to hurt Islam. Consequently, the Islamic commandments are against this semireligion since its emergence whether those who were previously Muslims and made Baha’i later on or those who were born from the Baha’i parents.”

Al-Azhar Islamic Research council Fetwa

“The Baha’is creed and its affiliates are contagious and fatal poison which must be definitely suppressed.”

Sheikh Abrahim Al-Qayyoumi

He is the chairman of the Islamic researches committee. “The Baha’ism is a cult out of the Islam domain. They have rioted against Islam and Baha’ism is one of the most dangerous troops against Islam which is being supported by the Zionism and the enemies of Islam.”

Sheikh Muhammd Tantavvi (Al_Azhar Sheikh):

“The Bahais of Egypt are out of Islam domain and the teachings of other divine religions. This deviant group mustn’t inject their poison into the Islamic community. Baha’is is completely against Islam and it isn’t true for Baha’ism to be considered as a religion because Baha’ism is out of Islam territory and the teachings of other divine religions…”

Bahaism in Iran
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