
The contradictory look at Satan by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The Baha’i leaders have started from rejecting the external existence of Satan. In some cases, they have accepted its existence and eventually, they have introduced their opponents as to be ...

The relationship between the Jewish Abdul Khaleq and Ali Muhammad Bab

The Jewish Abdul Khaleq Yazdi who claimed for being Muslim before Bab’s sedition, played a key role in providing facilities and expanding Babism. The relationship between Abdul Khaleq and Ali ...
promised one

The vague and contradictory look of Baha’ism at the promised one’s issue?!

Baha’ism which considers the continuity of God’s grace as necessary for the continuous sending down of prophets and new religions has basically rejected the existence of the promised one after ...

The Iranian original culture: Chastity, a culture from ancient Iran

In most regions of Iran, there were two knockers on house doors having different sounds: one specially used by men and the other used by women. It seems it was ...
copy rights

Baha’ism is a creed full of contradictions

Composing the divine spiritual source with humane intellectual schools, the Baha’ism leaders created contradictory commandments and religious law which has been unable to justify it for the followers of both ...

The hidden Jewish, the agents for expanding the influence of Baha’ism

Most primary Babis were from the hidden Jewish and newly-turned to Islam who have pretended to be Muslims nearly 5 years before Babism sedition and joined to Islam when Babism ...

Baha’ism and paying attention to wisdom and logic

Although the Baha’ism leaders introduced the conformity between religion and science and wisdom as one of their new teachings, but they claim for quitting science and wisdom when Baha’ism is ...

Insulting and giving hideous titles to races in Baha’ism

Contrary to Baha’ism proselytizing in preaching the slogan of the oneness of humane world some tribes in this cult have been merited to be insulted due to their races and ...

Forming another occupied land by the Zionists in Bahrain Sheikhdom

The plan for selling house and land to the Zionists in Bahrain will end in negative outcomes and consequences such as great gap between people and the government, changing Bahrain ...

The role of Baha’ism in the current riots

The Baha’i medium is calling people for riot against the Iranian government by the name of freedom and with the excuse of Mahsa Amini’s death, while the self-proclaimed prophet of ...
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