
The prohibition of diffusion of the Baha’i leaders’ voice and image by the Bahaism organization

      One of the proselytizing channels of Bahaism published some materials entitled "the method of the Baha'is in using holy Keepsakes and things concerning the works left by the ancestors ...

Bahaism and America

The third Colonial Country with which Bahaism has had bond is America. Now, this bond has continued. The aggressive and arrogant nature and position of America is obvious in the ...

The highest point of betraying a country

      What is One of the greatest possible treachery against a country? What is the best manner in the conditions that a country is dealing with interior and exterior problems; ...

Bahaism is confessing for truth-seeking of the holy Quran

      One of the tricks of Bahaism for recruiting is to make you refer to the teachings of the holy Quran in truth-seeking and avoiding imitation blindly; while the Baha'is ...

The Story of Abdul Baha and dirty Jewish / pot calling the Kettle black

      One of the proselytizers of Bahaism narrates a memoir from Abdul Baha in a book published by the Bahaism organization written by him. The memoir is about the adventure ...

The null slogans of Bahaism – The General Peace

      One of the principles of the Baha'is beliefs which possesses a developed appearance is the problem of general peace. Baha'ism is claiming for the establishment of general peace just ...

The criminal America, the symbol of peace of Bahaism

      Abbass Effendi says: Our wish is the oneness of humane world and our destination is the general peace (the of heavens, p.52)       Hussein Ali Nouri says: “In the ...

The intrinsic poverty of Baha’ism

why does Baha'ism prevent to declare details?       Baha'ism is of the claimant currents of the present era which is claiming very much concerning the religion domain; such as being ...

Resurrection and the day of judgment in Bahaism

      Although another world has been pointed out according to Baha'ism point of view and another world has been imagined for after this world, but there isn't any resurrection. The ...

Fighting against Bahaism during Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s periods of time

      We know that some campaigns were don against Bahaism after Mordad 28th coup:       1) The background of fighting: Prior Mordad 28th coup, fighting against Bahaism were done in ...
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