
The Baha’i sources: Stressing on fasting feast, The Universal house of justice rejecting fasting feast, why?

The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the universal house of justice has rejected the existence of a feast called “fasting feast” while the original resources of Baha’ism have repeatedly spoken ...

The properties and wealth usurped from Iran by Baha’ism

During Pahlavi periods of time, the Baha’ism organization ran an extensive net of economic sedition and rent by incumbency of most posts of the country. Hojabr Yazdani confiscated huge properties ...

Economic and anti-religious strategies of the Baha’is during Pahlavi era

Pahlavi periods of time provided a really suitable opportunity for the development, growth and influence of Baha’ism in Iran. The Shah’s supports and the executive posts and governmental positions given ...

The consequences of the active presence of the Baha’is in managing the country during the second Pahlavi period of time

In one of his confessions, Shapour Bakhtiyar explained the black consequence of 25-year seditious and anti-national government of Pahlavi (with active roles of Baha’is) on Iran. However, does the Baha’ism ...

Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention ...

Baha’ism view towards Islam, the origin of humane civilization or an old religion

Although the followers of Baha’ism cult is destroying the Islamic principles to prove their creed to be a religion and the need for sending Baha’ism, but in some cases they ...

A ‘capable and devoted’ Baha’i, Husayn Ruhi, was also a ‘capable and devoted’ British agent!

He appears as a bit character in generally British-focused narratives of the Revolt, and intelligence during the First World War. T. E. Lawrence briefly refers to Ruhi as “more like ...

Shafaqat, a field marshal whom Baha’ism gloried in him

By: Sajjad Jamshidi Field marshal Shafaqat was one of the Baha’i heads of the Iranian army who became the governor-general of the Eastern Azerbayjan during the month ending the victory ...

Field Marshal Zargham, the Baha’i person who depressed the Iranian interior economy

By: Sajjad Jamshidi Field Marshal Zargham is one of the bigoted Baha’is in the Pahlavi army. He was appointed as the minister of customs during the time when Dr. Manouchehr ...

Hojabr Yazdani, the Baha’i seditious person in Pahlavi era

By: Sajjad Jamshidi Hojabr Yazdani is one of the famous and contentious characters of late years of Muhammad Reza kingdom. He changed into the richest man of 1350s in Iran ...
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