
The Baha’i minister, the destroyer of the agriculture of Iran in Pahlavi era

Engineer Mansour Rowhani was of the intimate friends and co-workers of Abdul Karim Ayadi. He can be called as the destroyer of the agriculture of Iran. Rowhani was born in ...

Who killed Amir the Great? The management of a deviation of a historical assassination from Babism to Baha’ism

Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani known as Amir the Great is one of the prominent characters of the Iranian history. During his 3 years and 3 months premiership, he started fundamental ...

The equality between men and women, a souvenir from the west for Baha’ism

Referring to various subject matters of the book Aqdas, it will be revealed that the spirit dominating the book is the very patriarchal look which is common in the east ...

Baha’ism influence on Shah’s army

The process of the Baha’is growth in Shah’s army must be considered as the Baha’is organizational aims and also supporting them by the power foundations. The Baha’i servicemen were appointed ...

A Thinker from Bahrain: Abdul Hamid has deviated from all the Islamic world jurisconsults’ thoughts

Dr. Rashed Al-Rashed, the Islamic thinker and the leader of opponents from Bahrein: “Gathering the Muslim religions about Baha’ism is apostasy and the Baha’is are apostate. Baha’ism must be confronted ...

The Excellency Abdul Hamid, it is up to you what to do now. The ball is in your court now

The current sedition was a testing scene for some people who weren’t few. So, some people became the means for instigators such as Europe, the Zionistic regime and America. Unfortunately, ...

The specifications of the Baha’i greatest name and ultra-material effects!!!

Because the Baha’i religion makers were deprived of the supernatural, basically each kind of existence and effect of metaphysics and ultra-material were rejected by them. However, it is interesting to ...

The Baha’ism leader who cursed the people of the so-called God’s faith cradle land!!!

Shoqi Effendi, the Baha’is leader asked God for the greatest torture and curse for the Iranian people after World War II. The oppressed Iranian people who were under the attacks ...

When Baha’ism becomes a means and a base for the Colonialists in Iran

The following is one of SAVAK’s report net the Islamic Republic’s one: “SAVAK reports that the intelligent service of Israel is using the Baha’is to collect news from Iran. We ...

Supporting enemies by Mowlawi Abdul Hamid and his contradictory remarks

The Excellency Abdul Hamid is the one who received a title called the one who has tried for human rights in 1393 S.H. An illegal foundation called the center for ...
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