
Abdul Baha: America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 3) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a ...

General peace according to the Baha’i thought

One of the Baha’i twelve teachings in the Baha’ism cult is the general peace and they international greatest court. Abdul Baha says in this regard: “One of the teachings was ...

Question: Is war the basis of peace in Baha’ism?!

The Baha’ism leaders have exploited the peaceable slogans just in their proselytizing in order to intrigue the public minds. So, it is natural that those who have been bereaved due ...

The peace promise which was never fulfilled

The Baha’ism leaders claimed for the fulfillment of their promises regarding the universal peace and justice by their arrival; while after their emergence of these two false claimants two world ...

Abdul Baha: America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world

In his speech in America, the second leader of Baha’ism Abdul Baha introduced America as the pacifist and claimed that no country is able to make peace except America. Yes, ...
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