
The adventure of the office of social and economic development of Baha’ism

The Zionistic organization of Baha’ism has proceeded its plans for proselytizing and making personnel by establishing an office called the office for social and economic development for 40 years. Kamiyar ...

The scholar’s campaign against the influence of Baha’ism

The Baha’ism organization is considering the position of prophethood for its leaders and is assuming the religion of Islam is abolished and ended. The influence of this organization after being ...

Mahsa Amini and Baha’i Ismaeel pour’s method of campaigning

To oppose Mahsa Amini death, Morteza Ismaeel pour, the Baha’i medium activist called people to destroy the public properties, conflicting with police and making traffic. However, the Baha’ism which boycotted ...

The vital strategy of Baha’ism is influencing in kids’ domain

Hatef Doustdar is of the Baha’is who has been commissioned to fulfill the policies of development planned by the Baha’ism organization since 1375 S.H. along with other agents of the ...

Proselytizing for the kids living in poor areas started!

The Baha’ism organization considered the open cases of illegal proselytizing kids in favor of Baha’ism since the presidency of Khatami as a continuous accusation against itself, but the Baha’ism organization ...

The bond between Baha’ism and Masonry

By: Sajjad Jamshidi One of the movements to which Baha’ism has been related and in which Baha’ism is present is masonry movement. Masonry is a pretty secret organization and is ...

The message of the universal house of justice dated Shahrivar, 1, 1401 S.H.

In the message of Shahrivar, 1, 1401 S.H., the Baha’ism organization insulted the Islamic Republic of Iran with vain excuses of the destruction of three illegal villas of the Baha’is ...

The adventure of Roshankouh village, Sari

According to the law, possession of land, jungle and illegal change in using lands are being encountered without paying attention to people’s beliefs, but the Baha’ism organization tried to introduce ...

The dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical natureThe dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical natureThe dual confrontation of Baha’ism with the activities of Morteza Ismaeel Pour has mere hypocritical nature

In 1396 S.H., the leadership foundation of Baha’ism issued a statement against Morteza Ismaeel pour due to not having permit and his anti-government activities, but today it has become silent ...

Unveiling the new plan by Baha’ism

The organizational establishment of Baha’ism is announcing its aims and programs in an organized and codified manner to the members of the cult. One of the most important and common ...
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