
The investigation of the equality between men and women in Baha’ism

This cult is acting as follows to divide the inheritance ordered by Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri: If some people die without wills, their properties must be divided as follows: (Nasri, ...

The Baha’ism assassination in the contemporary history of Iran

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late ...

The enemy’s plan to misuse the beautiful capacity of Charshanbeh Souri to strike the Iranian people

The night of the last Wednesday of the year which is called Charshanbeh Souri in the vernacular, is one of the old and authentic rituals of Iranian people which still ...

The political bond between dervishes and Baha’ism

The note which is worthy to be thought in Ahmad Shahid’s report is being the political cult of Tabandeh alongside with the deviant cult of Baha’ism. In this report, Baha’ism ...

The universal house of justice groundless fear, “Changing population structure aiming foundation of the Baha’ism government in Iran”

In order to dominate on Iran and establish its delusional government, the Baha’ism organization needs to perform its cultural and anti-religious plan in the community aiming the change in population ...
Abdul Baha3

Supporting Baha’ism by the name of women, life, freedom and citizen rights

Undoubtedly, one of the most important and greatest factors in the victory of the Colonialists in collapsing the intellectual and theological strongholds in the aim community particularly the eastern communities ...

Baha’ism in Shia and Wahhabism in Sunni have followed the same aim

Studying and searching about the reports of the history of both creeds indicate that the purpose of establishing both us beating the main pillar and stronghold of campaigning and confronting ...

The Baha’i sources: Stressing on fasting feast, The Universal house of justice rejecting fasting feast, why?

The leadership foundation of Baha’ism called the universal house of justice has rejected the existence of a feast called “fasting feast” while the original resources of Baha’ism have repeatedly spoken ...

Economic and anti-religious strategies of the Baha’is during Pahlavi era

Pahlavi periods of time provided a really suitable opportunity for the development, growth and influence of Baha’ism in Iran. The Shah’s supports and the executive posts and governmental positions given ...

Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention ...
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