
Baha’ism and infanticide regime of Israel

The relationships between the Baha’ism heads and Zionism is longer than the lifetime of the usurp regime of Israel. Transferring Baha to Acre located at the occupied Palestine was done ...

Baha’ism conservatism by Denis Maseonin

Denis Maseonin, one of ex-Baha’is and the Baha’i researcher considered making statistics by the Baha’is as a problem. Pointing out issuing 77000 works by the Baha’ism leaders, the Baha’ism organization ...

Ahmad tablet, Baha’s false claim- part 2

Ahmad Tablet who is considered by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism as his masterpiece and has appointed the reward of one hundred martyrs for reading it is full of errors ...

Ahmad tablet, a vain and baseless claim –part 1

The divine prophets tried hard to save the people of their periods of time out of ignorance and astray and guide them towards prosperity and light. However; contrary to the ...

Supporting the Baha’is by Abdul Hamid

The Sunni clergyman Abdul Hamid, the Sunni leader of Friday prayer emphasized in the sermons of the Friday prayer that all Iranian people’s rights must be regulated even the Baha’is ...

The opponents of the one whom God will manifest are not allowed to possess something

If some day you see a person running in the street shouting “…the thief…”, what will you do? Will you follow him/her? Will you see forward to find the thief? ...

Corruption and palpitation in Baha’ism

Baha’ism takes national bigotry, religious fanaticism and prejudice towards hometown and each kind of interest to exploit human beings easily. Immorality in Baha’ism: Many Baha’i women… are wearing thin clothes ...
the gate

A glance at the film “the gate”, a historical reality or an advertising announce

On the occasion of the bicentenary birthday of the founder of the Babi creed (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) and to proselytize and introduce Bahaullah and Baha’ism, the Baha’ism organization unveiled a ...

Contradiction in having or not having, is that any miracle or not, at last?

Narrating memoirs in a gathering is attractive. Most people are influenced by a group in a gathering that narrate the adventure differently. Eventually, it will be changed into a fiction ...

The self-proclaimed Baha’i prophet’s claim is the reason for the falsehood of Babism and Baha’ism thoughtv

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has been asked why he didn’t have any miracle. He has answered: Their writings are just their miracles. Azalis have also answered to him: In ...
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