
Abbas Effendi’s order “the exclusive proselytizing for Muslims

In a message addressing the Baha’is of Samarqand (where had been occupied by the Russians), Abdul Baha asked them to regulate wisdom expediencies and prevent proselytizing non-Muslims according to the ...

An interview with “Hamid Reza Esmaeeli, the author and researcher

The Baha’ism organization, the safe organization of the Western Services Dr. Hamid Reza Esmaeeli, the author and researcher in the field of policy and religions and of the researchers of ...

The false literature which was called the fluent inspiration!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism made false words influenced by the Persian language and proved that his writings are due to an ill-educated Persian person and not due to the ...

The Sedious leaders

The behaviors of the cult leaders are assumed by the followers as moral rituals to such an extent that in some cults such as Baha’ism, all kinds of deviations are ...
the gate

A glance at the film “the gate”, a historical reality or an advertising announce

On the occasion of the bicentenary birthday of the founder of the Babi creed (Ali Muhammad Shirazi) and to proselytize and introduce Bahaullah and Baha’ism, the Baha’ism organization unveiled a ...

An eloquence which was called miracle and was revised compulsorily later on by the followers

How can the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism introduce his full of error works as miracle and the source of divine inspiration, but consider it needed to be revised by human ...

Religious or political Government? The lack of meddling with policy, from claiming to reality

Farah Doustdar said: “religion is not allowed to enter into policy and government and mustn’t meddle with policy and also the government is not allowed to enter into religion and ...

A prediction which has never fulfilled

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism considered the time for its cult’s universality and establishing general peace in the world as after the universal wars! So, Abdul Baha appointed 1335 S.H. ...
Abul Fadhl Ansari

Abul Fadhl Ansari (the last part)

The UHJ condolence on the occasion of the Baha’i scholar’s death  Abul Fadhl Ansari, an apostate who wasn’t executed despite of his anti-Islamic and anti-Revolution proselytizing. Contrary to the Baha’i ...

The leaders who weren’t the behavioral and theological models of their followers

In its documentary film, the universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as the model for the people of the world! The Baha’ism organization has dominated on ...
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