
The economy of the country during Pahlavi period of time

Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Baha'ism was strengthened by financial and spiritual supports of various countries such as England, the czar Russia and the Zionistic regime in order ...

A glance atgthe principle of the equality of the rights between men and women in Baha’ism

Concerning the issue of the equality between men and women rights, the Baha'ism eaplain: "Like men, women possess the talent for gaining sciences and progress in knowledge and art. If ...

Why did I become Shia?

Pedram Nawaee is one of the Baha’i youth who become Shia being present in the office of Ayatollah Mojtahed Shabestari, the representative of the supreme leader of I.R.I in the ...

The principle of the oneness of humane world which has been violated by the Baha’i leaders

The second principle of the Baha'is is the oneness of humane world. They claim for all human being to be created by the Excellencies of Lords. Color, face and sight ...
mahnaz raoufi

Mahnaz Raoufi, the former Baha’i

Mahnaz Raoufi, the former Baha’i: "Woman is a tissue paper in Baha’ism" Stating that the Baha’is are misusing women to make their assemblies and meeting warm and busy, Mahnaz Raoufi ...

Baha’ism, opposition against the lifestyle change

Dr. Farhad Ebrahimi The cult leaders are mainly trying to form their sectarian lifestyle to be attractive for others living outside the cult, but after changing that person's beliefs, the ...

Cooperating for usurp regime of Israel

By: Ma'soumeh Pour Fadhlullah After the victory of Israel, the Baha'is had been happy with the victory and said officially: "The government of Israel has been the world here in ...

Ali Muhammad Shirazi- The Bab

He is the founder of Babism. He was Sheikh Kazem Rashti’s pupil. He claimed to be the Gate for Imam of the Time, Imamate, prophethood and divinity exploiting the thoughts ...

Seyyed Kazem Rashti

Seyyed Kazem Rashti is the second leader of Sheikism cult who was quite confirmed by his master Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee. He stayed in Karbala after Sheikh and preached his thoughts. ...
Leyla Chaman Khah

The policies of Pahlavi government concerning Baha’ism (1332-1357 S.H.)

Leyla Chaman Khah is the Iranian author and translator who was born in 1353 S.H. She is the assistant professor of political sciences department in Islamic Azad University. She has ...
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