
The reason for the prohibition of proselytizing Baha’ism in Israel

The discussion of proselytizing is one of the important issues in the deviant cult of Baha'ism; so that, a person who doesn't do his/her duty in this regard he/she may ...

The falseness of Baha’ism using a brief debate

The is an interview with one of the ex-Baha'i proselytizers:     I said: How was the legitimacy of Baha’ism proved for you as a divine religion?"     He said: If ...

The Contradiction between the Jewish creed and the Zionistic thought

In Jewish creed in which the Jewish are original teachings bond with the original teachings of the Excellency Moses (P.H.), the ethic principles and the behavioral ones of the Jewish ...

The relationship between the deviant cult of Baha’ism and the great Satan, America

The third colonial country with which Baha'ism has had a deep bond during the history is the United States of America whose criminal and aggressive nature and position have been ...

Helping the usurp and kid-Killing Zionistic regime by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

One of the most important chapters in the political report card of Baha'ism is the intimate relationships and cooperation between the heads of this cult and the Zionists.       A ...

The Baha’ism organization-The organization which is spying of Mossad

The political organization of Baha’ism is an organization formed earlier 20th century in the United States. On the other hand, Baha’ism was a movement remained from Babism which has been ...

Declaration of supporting the Palestinian resistance by the “Islamic Resistance Movement of Hosseiniun Azerbaijan”

Baha’i Network of Azerbaijan plays an exceptional and important role in providing the majority of the necessary fuel for the Zionist regime to bombard and kill the Palestinian people "Hosseiniun ...

The announcer of Manoto Baha’i network has worn black- Israel is disappearing and Baha’ism is too afraid of it

The announcer of Manoto network spoke sadly about the successful operation of the resistance forces of Palestine. The announcer of Manoto network said about the black Saturday of the Zionistic ...

Is the forged Zionistic chain between Israel and Baha’ism breaking off?

These days, the government of the оссuруing regime is in a bad condition and the news about collapsing the Zionistic regime is being heard by even the Zionists. By surprising ...

Condemning the Iranian president’s speech in the UN defending the monotheistic religion by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

A cult which is speaking about human rights, the religious minority and questioning the right speech of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending the monotheistic religions ...
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