
Reflection on an invitation (part 9)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...

General peace according to the Baha’i thought

One of the Baha’i twelve teachings in the Baha’ism cult is the general peace and they international greatest court. Abdul Baha says in this regard: “One of the teachings was ...

Reflection on an invitation (part 8)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...

Baha’ism in line of those who are worried about removing the sanctions against Iran

Like their lords, the Baha’is are worried about the removal of sanctions against Iran. Look at the cyberspace to know which countries are concerned about the removal of sanctions against ...

Reflection on an invitation (part 10)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...

Reflection on an invitation (part 7)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...

Women who are deprived of God’s mercy

In the direction of the teaching of oneness of humane world in this cult, the second leader of Baha’ism, Abdul Baha has considered all people as the same in the ...

Why is the strategy of bigotry, violence and frightening following in Babism?!

The Baha’i heads have shamelessly called the Iranian scholars, officials and people who stood against violence and savagery of Babis as “ignorant”, bigoted and savage people” and considered the Iranian ...
mournin month

Why are the Baha’is dancing in Shia’s mourning month?

A former Baha’i said: The Baha’is have changed the birthday date of their leaders from the solar calendar to the lunar one, 1st and 2nd of the lunar month of ...

The first day of the lunar month of Moharram and the Baha’is celebrating and dancing

The lunar month of Moharram is the mourning month when the Muslims are wearing black cloths and mourning for their martyr Imam (P.H.) Ali Muhammad Bab is the founder of ...
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