
Is criticizing Baha’ism equal to violating human rights of the Baha’is?

Confronting criticisms of false thoughts of Baha’ism, the Baha’i criticism equal to disrespect and state their beliefs must be respected! While respecting false and destructive beliefs of Baha’ism can provide ...

The media silence about Abbas Effendi’s (Abdul Baha) grave which was made fire

It is reported that three days have been passed since one hundred million dollars grave of Abdul Baha has been caught fire, but all western media haven’t reported and mentioned ...

The role of martyr Madani in campaigning against Baha’ism (Part-2)

By: Kiyani, Jamshidi, Shama’ Khani One of the sensitivities of martyr Ayatollah Madani was cults and deviant groups like Baha’ism that were active during Pahlavi regime in the cities such ...
Taraneh HusseiniTaraneh Husseini Monfared Monfared

Taraneh Husseini Monfared

She is from Boshrouyeh. Her mother is Muslim and her father is Baha’i. The name of Hussein (P.H.) was familiar for her from childhood. She resorted to the Excellency Abalfadhl ...

Justifying Ali Muhammad’s repentance using forged traditions

One of the justifications of the Baha’is for the repentance of this claimant of Mahdism is resorting to Gharaniq fable. According to the fable mentioned in Sunni resources, the Excellency ...

Why I started to question the alleged doctrine of the Lesser Covenant?

I never began to question the doctrine of the (Lesser) Covenant until I absolutely had to. I was raised in a mainstream Baha'i family, who were very loyal to Abdul ...


I am providing a handful out of many AUTHORITATIVE writings and messages from all levels of leadership of the Baha’i faith that promised the establishment of the Lesser Peace and ...

Behind the Facade: Cult-like Tendencies in the Baha’i Faith

One of the reasons I decided to become a member of the Baha'i Faith organization was that I wanted to participate in Feast, the Baha'i worship service and community business ...

How a perfect charlatan acts when questioned?

One day, with Mirza Moneer Zaine - son of Jenab'i'Zaine - interpreting our our conversation, I put this question to the Master. Replied the Master (apparently not answering the question ...
Abdul Baha6

“This faith totally lacks credibility”

I could never be a Baha’i because this religion totally lacks credibility. I will address just one central teaching of the Baha’i religion, which is that of world peace. I ...
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