
The prediction of everlasting esteem for the Zionists by Abdul Baha

The photos of abjectness of Kid-Killer and usurp Israel is definitely everlasting esteem!!!!! Since the establishment of the Zionistic regime (The day of abomination 1948 A.D.) in Palestine geography, the ...

Condemning the Iranian president’s speech in the UN defending the monotheistic religion by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

A cult which is speaking about human rights, the religious minority and questioning the right speech of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran in defending the monotheistic religions ...

The hostility of Baha’is and Baha’i theorist against Putin and Russia

Baha'i theoretician "Irfan Sabeti" published some slanders on Twitter against President Vladimir Putin and the political system of Russia. This action has been repeated many times by other elements and ...

Anti-human rights position of the universal house of justice (the universal house of tyranny) regarding the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Belgium

The exchange of prisoners between Iran and Belgium according to international treaties did not go well with the universal house of justice (the universal house of tyranny) and their representative ...

The Baha’ism flattery for the kid-killer and bloodthirsty Zionists

In one of the programs related to the Persian media service of Baha’is, the Baha’ism organization praised Yitzhak Rabin on Ordibehesht 16 in a program entitled “the peace architects” as ...

The disciples of Iran or the national assembly of Baha’ism in Iran

During all of its periods of existence and in each country where it has been present the Baha’ism organization has shown an anti-national identity. This behavior of Baha’ism has been ...

The political bond between dervishes and Baha’ism

The note which is worthy to be thought in Ahmad Shahid’s report is being the political cult of Tabandeh alongside with the deviant cult of Baha’ism. In this report, Baha’ism ...

Baha’ism strategy on the issue of women and sexuality toward the organizational activity

The Baha’i world news issued a news on Bahman 3 in Twitter and Instagram concerning the role of women in creating peace and the investigation a part of collections called ...

The Excellency Abdul Hamid, it is up to you what to do now. The ball is in your court now

The current sedition was a testing scene for some people who weren’t few. So, some people became the means for instigators such as Europe, the Zionistic regime and America. Unfortunately, ...

The consequence of the Baha’ism influence in Bahrain

How governments relate to the countries that are geographically located in the same region with them is an important and influential issue. This relationship is more important for the political ...
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