
Why does the Baha’ism organization have binary contracts reflecting the news from Iran and Israel?

In its informal networks, the Baha’ism organization is spreading hate against the Islamic Republic of Iran along with violating respecting and obeying the government mentioned in its teachings; while it ...

The brainwashing of members in the cults

There is a principle in Baha’ism called the independent investigation of truth. However, the third feature of a cult is that the leaders of the cults are brainwashing their followers ...

Answering the false claim

To justify their leaders’ studying, the Baha’is mean the word “illiterate” as the lack of educating the divine knowledge’s; while the Baha’ leaders have confessed that illiteracy means absolute not ...

Announcing the beginning of the proselytizing program in Jordan despite of announcing its prohibition by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism

The Baha’ism organization announced about producing and casting its radio program in the country of Jordan. The first question posed in this regard is that why is the Baha’ism organization ...

Why did ‘Abdu’l-Baha have such a low opinion of Africa and Africans?

It is interesting that Africa is the only place the Faith is really succeeding in light of 'Abdu'l-Baha's extremely disparaging comments about Africa. Even most people who have left the ...

It will be better for the Canadian government to answer to its clear violation of human rights in its country

In a statement, the Baha'i organization invetigated the opposition of the governmental officials and the Canadian Jewish organization against violating of human rights in Iran. However, are the Canadian regime ...

The educational restrictions, an excuse for hate by the Baha’is

By claiming for issuing an enactment concerning the limitation for the Baha’is education in Iran, the Baha’ism organization is preaching hate against our country. Can’t the Baha’is remove the claimed ...
Shua Ullah Behai

Shua Ullah Behai

Bahá'u'lláh's eldest grandson, he led the Unitarian Baha'i denomination in the United States.

The Baha’is, the polytheist minority

One of the most inferior beliefs of Baha’ism and Babism is believing in Bab ad Hussein Ali Nouri as gods. Ali Muhammad Bab has claimed for the highest ranks of ...

The independent investigation of truth or the Baha’i education!

In its message, the Baha'ism organization stressed on the Baha'ism proselytizing for kids using the excuse of training morality course. However, if it means proselytizing the Baha'i and non-Baha'i kids, ...
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