
Supporting the Baha’is by Abdul Hamid

The Sunni clergyman Abdul Hamid, the Sunni leader of Friday prayer emphasized in the sermons of the Friday prayer that all Iranian people’s rights must be regulated even the Baha’is ...

Shoghi Effendi Contradicts Abdul-Baha

During Abdul-Baha’s visit to London in 1911, he had the following interaction with a Christian… A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked Abdul-Baha if he would ...

Abdul Hussein Ayati (the former Baha’i proselytizer) says about God’s sheep’s beliefs in this false creed!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has claimed for being God and creating God contrary to the monotheistic religions. So, the Baha’i heads and proselytizers are trying to justify the atheistic ...
Taqiyyah (dissimulation) in Baha’ism

Taqiyyah (dissimulation) in Baha’ism

Taqiyya, or dissimulation, is often misunderstood in the context of the Bahá’í Faith. Contrary to popular belief, Baha’u’llah not only did not abolish taqiyya but actually commanded its practice, a ...

The Baha’i companies, the economic corridors of the universal house of justice – Part 1

      Introducing the coextensive companies with the modern universal war.       Regarding the importance of the economic bases of a country and the necessity for preventing the influence of hostile ...
Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

Bahaism, the stepchild of the Zionistic regime or twins

The emergence of the deviant cult of Bahaism and supporting it by the crafty governments of England and the usurp regime of Zionism are of the instances of anti- Islamic ...
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Bahaism, the violator of women’s rights

      The sexual gaps between men and women is a problem originated from long time ago. Nearly since the period of forming agriculture life and onset of a succession of ...
The internal contradictions

The internal contradictions Criticizing the Bahaism beliefs – the problems and criticisms over the Bahaism cult beliefs

      Bahaism cult is of the baseless humane creed which is in lack of religious strong and documented principles and criteria. Its intellectual beliefs and principles are in lack of ...
Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

Unanswered questions of Bahaism in the domain of legitimacy crisis

      The Baha'i heads must answer the following questions which are resulted in contradictions in behaviors and viewpoints of the Baha'i agents: Hasn't the universal house justice deviated the Baha'ism ...
The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

      We know that the Bahaism party has been made by England like the Zionists. So, Directed by the British, Abdul Baha is so-called predicting that: "Here is Palestine, the ...
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