
Why is the terrorist America benefactor of Baha’ism?

Supported by the Colonial powers, the Baha’i leaders have praised and conducted their policies. So, when Baha’ism is introducing its aim as the same as the American ones and considers ...

Those who resemble spiders according to Abdul Baha

Abdul Baha has introduced the Iranian people as those who resemble spiders and fuzzy ones due to not believing in Baha’ism. However, although it isn’t just the only insult against ...
copy rights

Baha’ism is a creed full of contradictions

Composing the divine spiritual source with humane intellectual schools, the Baha’ism leaders created contradictory commandments and religious law which has been unable to justify it for the followers of both ...

The Baha’ism enmity against Shia school, clergymen and the Islamic Revolution

 In his tablets and works, Hussein Ali Nouri (the founder of Baha’ism cult) has clearly and repeatedly attacked and insulted Shias. For example; in the book Ishraqat, he has called ...

Religious or political Government? The lack of meddling with policy, from claiming to reality

Farah Doustdar said: “religion is not allowed to enter into policy and government and mustn’t meddle with policy and also the government is not allowed to enter into religion and ...
Doustdar family

The Zionistic organization of Baha’ism is following to penetrate into the cultural centers of Iran

Hatef Doustdar is from an organizational and bigoted Baha’i family who has immigrated to Iran from Britain since 1368 S.H. to fulfill expansionist plan of the universal house of justice ...

The election of the Partial Reporter of Baha’ism in the United Nation Organization

 Nazila Qane’a is of the members and planner of Baha’ism organization’s plans was elected as the special reporter of the United Nations in the freedom of belief issues. How were ...

The scholar’s campaign against the influence of Baha’ism

The Baha’ism organization is considering the position of prophethood for its leaders and is assuming the religion of Islam is abolished and ended. The influence of this organization after being ...

Unveiling the new plan by Baha’ism

The organizational establishment of Baha’ism is announcing its aims and programs in an organized and codified manner to the members of the cult. One of the most important and common ...

The United Kingdom and the expansion of Baha’ism cult in Iran (stressing on Pahlavi era) part 3

By: Mahboubeh Ismaeeli After Shah and his relatives escaped, one of the Baha’i elements in America called Habib Sabet Pasal entertained Shah and his family providing all facilities. This measures ...
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