
Abbas Effendi’s order “the exclusive proselytizing for Muslims

In a message addressing the Baha’is of Samarqand (where had been occupied by the Russians), Abdul Baha asked them to regulate wisdom expediencies and prevent proselytizing non-Muslims according to the ...

The election of the Partial Reporter of Baha’ism in the United Nation Organization

 Nazila Qane’a is of the members and planner of Baha’ism organization’s plans was elected as the special reporter of the United Nations in the freedom of belief issues. How were ...

The message of the universal house of justice dated Shahrivar, 1, 1401 S.H.

In the message of Shahrivar, 1, 1401 S.H., the Baha’ism organization insulted the Islamic Republic of Iran with vain excuses of the destruction of three illegal villas of the Baha’is ...

Ridvan Message 2022

Link: https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/the-universal-house-of-justice/messages/20220421_001/1#987507525 The highlight: Since we addressed our 30 December 2021 message to the Counsellors’ Conference, National Spiritual Assemblies and Regional Baha’i Councils have been earnestly assessing the possibilities for intensifying ...

What was the message of the Nowrouz 1400 message of the Baha’ism organization for the Iranian people?

In its message, the Baha’ism organization introduced the spiritual inheritance of Abdul Baha for the Iranian people as preaching merited attributes, intellectualization, transformation of morality, advancement and exaltation of Iran. ...