
Fighting against wisdom and telling Contradictions in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

In one side, the deviant cult of Baha'ism calls itself as Shia and refer its theological rudiments to Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee and on another side, it fights against Shia foundations. ...

Fighting against scholars in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The value of a creed depends on the position and worth it assumes for knowledge and scientists. It also calls people for its expansion and knowledge in various domains. As ...

Baha’ism is a cult which is fighting against wisdom

Roemer’s works are of the first main ones concerning the subjects of Babism and Baha’ism which have been published in Germany. In addition to historical studies, they consist of extensive ...

One hundred years of betrayal against the people of Tunisia and serving the occupiers

By: Seyyed Muhammad Reza Salari Baha’ism cult celebrated Abdul Baha’s willing towards entering French Colonialism into Tunisia and intellectual repression of love of freedom and fighting against Colonialism in this ...

Baha’is preparation for holding assemblies to fight and war against Muslims

One of the proselytizing means used by Baha’ism to achieve their goals is using several kinds of calendar. A superstition used by Ali Muhammad Bab to mislead people and also ...