
The divine promise of Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime’s Crimes

Once again, the satanic face of the Zionistic usurp regime became obvious by committing crimes and genocide in Al-Ma'madani hospital and one of the most tragic and dreadful events happened. ...

The oneness of humane world in Baha’ism = The massacre of sinless and unprotected women and Kids

Among the twelve principles of Baha'ism which are considered as their most important social order, one of the most famous is the oneness of humane world. Not only this teaching ...

The reason for bestowing the Knighthood medal to Abdul Baha by the malicious British government

When Abdul Baha received the Knighthood medal, Palestine was one of the lands occupied by the British army and giving this position to a person who wasn't the citizen of ...

The announcer of Manoto Baha’i network has worn black- Israel is disappearing and Baha’ism is too afraid of it

The announcer of Manoto network spoke sadly about the successful operation of the resistance forces of Palestine. The announcer of Manoto network said about the black Saturday of the Zionistic ...

Replying to Wendy Scott

Here is my response: Nature of Baha'u'llah's claims: The precise nature of Bahāʾ Allāh's claims is difficult to establish. The official modern Bahāʾī doctrine rejects any notion of incarnationism and ...

The prediction of everlasting esteem for the Zionists by Abdul Baha

The photos of abjectness of Kid-Killer and usurp Israel is definitely everlasting esteem!!!!! Since the establishment of the Zionistic regime (The day of abomination 1948 A.D.) in Palestine geography, the ...
Ibrahim George Kheirollah2

Baha’ism from the critics’ point of view – Ibrahim George Kheirullah

Since the emergence of the Baha'i creed till now, the teachings of it have been exposed to be criticized and opposed. The Muslim and Christian scholars and generally the followers ...

deviated paths in detours

In any case; like other branches of the Sheikism each of which in some way chooses a successor for themselves, Ali Mohammad Shirazi chooses Yahya Nouri, Hossein Ali Nouri’s brother ...

Part II – the ex-baha’i Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism

Differences and divisions Haifa Baha'ism (led by the universal house of justice) denies the existence of and branches and groups in the Baha'i community. Based on the same model, Moojan ...

Ayatollah Sobhani’s position regarding the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Since its formation, Baha'ism was recognized as a theological deviation and a deviant cult The Excellency Ayatollah Sobhani stated: Since its formation, the Baha'i creed was recognized as a theological ...
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