
praying for the Criminal and being silent for its crimes

Many years before the establishment of Israel, the Baha’i leaders had relationships with the people of this regime and there is a supportive relationship between the Baha'ism organization and Israel ...

misusing the general peace by the Baha’ism organization

The elements of the deviant cult of Baha ism were posing the discussion about general peace and leaving enmity when the plan for normalization of ties between some countries and ...

Abdul Hamid and the Baha’i Sabeti’s discredit concerning Israel’s crimes

Abdul Hamid, the leader of group prayer of Maki mosque, Zahedan prefers to be silent against the crimes of Israel like the Baha’i experts the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti. He is ...

The reason for bestowing the Knighthood medal to Abdul Baha by the malicious British government

When Abdul Baha received the Knighthood medal, Palestine was one of the lands occupied by the British army and giving this position to a person who wasn't the citizen of ...

Declaration of supporting the Palestinian resistance by the “Islamic Resistance Movement of Hosseiniun Azerbaijan”

Baha’i Network of Azerbaijan plays an exceptional and important role in providing the majority of the necessary fuel for the Zionist regime to bombard and kill the Palestinian people "Hosseiniun ...

Replying to Wendy Scott

Here is my response: Nature of Baha'u'llah's claims: The precise nature of Bahāʾ Allāh's claims is difficult to establish. The official modern Bahāʾī doctrine rejects any notion of incarnationism and ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the mental operation of the Zionistic usurp regime of Israel

Palestinians are confronting against Satan itself The Israel government's administrator of the account in Persian announced falsely that one of Israeli soldiers has said to her that the members of ...

“The impudence of the Baha’i'”; medium- the abreast escape to prevent dishonor in hoarding and smuggling drugs

Making drugs is one of the first Knowledge of human being. At first, making drug was not separated from medicine, but making drugs separated from medicine gradually and started its ...

Will cults and religions exist in the future of the world?

Mr. Eric stetson is one the researchers and authors of the present era in America (ex-Baha'i) has presented an answer worthy to be mentioned. In information era when data can't ...

deviated paths in detours

In any case; like other branches of the Sheikism each of which in some way chooses a successor for themselves, Ali Mohammad Shirazi chooses Yahya Nouri, Hossein Ali Nouri’s brother ...
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