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The virgin maid in the Baha’i house

The Baha’i commandments 24 The followers of the Baha’i cult are always opposing against the numbers of wives in this cult; whole Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Baha’is has clarified in his book, the commandments. That it is allowable for the Baha’is to have more than two wives at the same […]

The Baha’i commandments 24

The followers of the Baha’i cult are always opposing against the numbers of wives in this cult; whole Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, the self-proclaimed prophet of the Baha’is has clarified in his book, the commandments. That it is allowable for the Baha’is to have more than two wives at the same time; although Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri had four wives in his lifetime and considered having a virgin maid as unimportant.

In the book Aqdas, o. 57, the founder of the Baha’ism cult writes

” قد کتب الله علیکم النکاح ایاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الإثنتین والذی اقتنع بواحدة من الإماء استراحت نفسه و نفسها و من اتخذ بکراً لخدمته لا بأس علیه”

“God has ordered not to get married with more than more wives and a person who is contented with a wife has provided tranquility for himself and his wife. It is not matter for him to hire a virgin maid, too.”


The book Aqdas, compiled by Hussein Ali, p. 57

The book Aqdas, compiled by Hussein Ali, p. 58

Although the speaker of this statement doesn’t act it and not only the names of three but wives have been written in Hussein Ali’s book; but also the name of his forth wife has been mentioned in some sources.

There are some problems concerning hiring a virgin maid in the house that are as follows:

۱- What is the message of the issue of hiring a virgin maid while Mirza has posed the important matter of getting married? Definitely, the issue of hiring a virgin maid doesn’t mean to have a maid by a Baha’i person since the time for slaveholding and slavery has been passed long time ago.


۲- Definitely, Mirza Hussein Ali Baha doesn’t mean to allow Baha’is to hire a maid in the house and paying money to her for her services because this action is commonplace and doesn’t need any commandment.


۳- Hiring a virgin maid isn’t compatible with marriage commandment and can’t be replaced by marriage. Consequently, when Miraz Hussein Ali Nouri says you can get married with two wives; then he says: it is not matter to hire a virgin maid to serve in the house, Hussein Ali Baha’s statement has two meaning:


A. Hussein Ali Nouri may mean a young virgin girl can be in your house and do your housework instead of getting married. If it is so, it will be clear that the character of a woman in this cult and in the Baha’i family is looked upon as a maid. In this case, if a young Baha’i boy weren’t able to get married, he could be content with a maid ordered by his self-proclaimed prophet: So, the followers of Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri must boast the view of the founder of the cult concerning the character and position of a woman I family.


B. Mira Hussein Ali Nouri may mean a Baha’i man is allowed to live with a sexual servant who is a young virgin girl because this election is going to be replaced by marriage. In this case, the followers of Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri must be proud of themselves because their founder and prophet has brought about valuable materials for the people of the world in atom century.


کلیدواژه : Baha’ihousevirgin maid
Bahaism in Iran
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