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The document of an assassination by the universal house of justice / Hoda Ma’ani

Jamshid Ma'ani is one of the high-ranking members of the Bahaism cult and claimed for being the promised one of the forged prophet of Bahaism and has brought about a ...

The failure Concerning the Concerning in the prediction of Bahaism unity of nations

More than 170 years ago, Baha (Hussein Ali Nouri) the leader of Bahaism cult has given good news about the great events and its influences on the world conditions and ...
The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

The investigation of the personal proselytizing tricks in Bahaism cult

      Human being is a social creature needing social intercourses. According to history, social intercourse plays an important role in improving the relationships between human beings in community and this ...
The foundation of morality in Bahaism

The foundation of morality in Bahaism

      It is stated in the book the principles of the beliefs of the Baha'is page 11: “Human being must be adorned by Spiritual morality and clean and pure deeds. ...