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Influencing deeply in Pahlavi government by Bahaism

Influencing deeply in Pahlavi government by Bahaism; Pahlavi and making Iran Baha’i

The Excellency great scholar Seyyed Muhammad Hussein Husseini Tehrani: “Pahlavi regime was just afraid of Ayatollah Broujerdi and he caused it not to do more.” However, they possessed several plans ...
Good public relations (PR), the defensive wall in the Baha’i medias

Good public relations (PR), the defensive wall in the Baha’i medias

      Baha’ism, as an organization striving for its survival in societies, attempted to demonstrate its usefulness and benevolence to the general public in each community after unveiling its faith. The ...
The Ruling of The International Islamic Fiqh Academy about the Baha’i Faith

The Ruling of The International Islamic Fiqh Academy about the Baha’i Faith

      In the Name of Allāh, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful Praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the blessings and peace be upon our master ...
Method of the Baha’is for recruiting members in adolescents Ruhi classes

Method of the Baha’is for recruiting members in adolescents Ruhi classes

      The radiant and drip-feed upbringing method is one of the effective and results-oriented communication approaches in behavioral education. Baha’i Faith has systematically utilized this method for organizational recruitment in ...